

Before I die
So much time has past.
So many years wasted.
It all went by so fast.
I barely even got to taste it.
yet I sit idly by and waste it.
time to get off of my ass.
time to get up and do something right.
it's time to fight, take flight,
create my own light.
I'm tired of doing everything wrong.
tired of the same old song.
I'm gonna be who I was meant to be,
all along.
I'm tired of feeling weak.
Tired of being tired.
It's time to open my mouth and speak.
time to stop resting inside the fire.
It's time to give it all to God.
I know I can't do it alone.
I've given it all I've got.
Time to turn the stone.
Question is, how do I start.
how do I heal my heart.
how do I repair all the things,
that I've torn apart?
How do I fix what I broke?
Where do I begin?
How do I clear the smoke?
Cause right now I'm just a joke.
Done so much wrong,
I could choke.
Tired of living in the dark.
So I have to try.
Time to leave my mark.
Do something positive,
Before I die.
I don't know how much time I've got left.
There's no promise of tomorrow.
I've got to stop living in the past,
Wallowing in my sorrow.
I've got to show my son,
how to do it right.
So he'll never have to live in the night.
Teach him how to live.
Show him how to fight.
How to stand up for what he believes.
Because I know he wants to be,
Just like me.
And it's My job,
to make sure im worthy.

© James L. Babcock Jr.