

Regret she held
A mother tells her daughter we will be flying to visit your grandparents this summer, my love .
the daughter replies well I don't wanna go .
it's boring you know .

the mother says appreciate what you have cause you never know when it's gone .
the daughter says i don't care .
this ain't fair .

my friends go visiting different places .
and meet new faces .
but I am stuck here every year visiting the old .
sweetie the mother says you know when you grow up you will realise that these days you spend with your grandparents are the days of gold .

stay here if you don't wanna go .
do what you wanna do .
there is nothing more I can tell you.
the girl never visits her grandparents .

a few months later the girl's grandparents pass away in a car crash .
and the girl couldn't do anything but cry over her grandparents ashes .
she realises how much they meant to her heart .
due to regret she feels her self fall apart .

she cries every night,
weeps everyday
till in the end her tears go dry
and she asks her self why
she didn't appreciate what she had
and tells herself that she is bad

years pass her sarrow never fades away
and not visiting and spending time with her grandparents while she could is a regret she holds till this day .

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