

Friendship poem!
There is many people in the universe,
some are cute and some are worse,
But the most close is your friend,
That any gossip you can chat to and send,
They are really unique,
They are ready to listen to you as fast as quick.

Having a friend is a good talk,
You can chat to her and let have a walk,
If you are in depression,
They will make you laugh as good creation,
Nothing to hide with them,
Because their life is exactly same.

Having a friend in life is a joy,
They made a sanskari girl, a tomboy,
Too many beaching and gossips,
With a flavour of coffee sips,
If we have an argue,
But in some days we start talking as each other value.

I am happy to have friends,
Talking to each others every weekend,
Thank u falak and saifeya to be in my life,
Without you both I am blunt knife,
I recommend everyone to have a friend but beware of fake friends,
Because they will use you not let their time spend.