

Death be not proud!
Death took my sister. Death took my friend. 
People came to mourn. People came to cry
Some came to comfort. Others spoke of hope. 
Their words strengthened but for a while. 
For my soul decomposed as she did in the ice. 

I wondered about her whereabouts in the cosmos. 
Could she see me? could she see us? 
Did she see the agony death layed upon us
My heart was bitter I felt so lost. 
What parent wants to bury a daughter they bore?

Time led to months, 
I still couldn't find life in the new norm. 
I held on tight to all that she owned. 
I held on tight as did the loss. 
Oh! The day I lost her scent. 
Then her voice abandoned me!!!
How could death bring such agony? 

Death took my sister, death took my friend. 
You stole her life, you took her scent.
But do not be proud for she lives again. 
She has a home inside our hearts. 
Go Bury your sting for it is dead. 

© NdiphaRod