

Likely Never
My loneliness is creeping
And my heart is full of fear
All my life spent running
From myself in shades of clear

You opened up a door
That no-one else could see
And you called out in the darkness
The only place that I could be

You shine your light inside
And you see my suffered soul
It is tattered and it's weathered
But salvation is my goal

You grab me by the hand
While my demons follow near
But you aren't afraid to fight
Or to face your darkest fear

You're proof that love is stronger
Than the demons in the night
That even the weakest heart
Can turn to stand and fight

You guide me through my darkness
To show me light that's truly real
And share with me the wonders
That my darkness would conceal

It's because you gave me dreams
That I never could have known
I owe you all my future
It's because of you I've grown

You are everything I wasn't
And you're all the good I'll be
You're so much of who I am
That you're more than half of me

Over time my dark's extinguished
By the gifts you've given me
You're the light that shines in angels
And now the reason I can see

So I owe my beating heart to you
I owe you every breath
I owe my happy moments
And eternity after death

No matter what we do
With our time left on this plane
If we live a healthy life
Or push each other to insane

We found each other here
With a love that can't be topped
Two soulmates spent forever
In a search that never stopped

The scale of time is slow
On the scale of everything ever
The chances were almost zero
It was more like slim to never

But here I am with you
And you are here with me
Now we have the time
So let's see what we can be

~ DieselSS
© DieselSS