

Questioning why
People love,
People cry,
People lie to find someone.
Though it hurts to love someone,
When your heart is in pain,
All memories are but a fleeting fame.
But your love for me seems so lame,
Perhaps it's just a broken piece in the quest for love,
Or maybe finding love is to endure the bleed.

In the darkness of the night,
When shadows deepen and swallow light,
I lie awake, my thoughts entwined,
With echoes of a love unkind.

The weight of sorrow, hard to bear,
Crushing me with deep despair,
Every whisper, every sigh,
A reminder of a love's goodbye.

My heart, it aches, a hollow void,
Dreams shattered, love destroyed,
I search for solace, none to find,
Trapped within a tormented mind.

Tears fall silently, a constant stream,
Washing away the remnants of a dream,
Hope feels distant, out of reach,
Lost in a world where pain does preach.

Love, once a beacon, now a ghost,
Haunting memories hurt the most,
I wander through this endless night,
Yearning for a distant light.

Yet in the silence, I remain,
Bound by the chains of love's cruel game,
For even in this darkest hour,
Love's ghost retains its power.

And so I bleed, and so I cry,
Questioning the reasons why,
In this abyss, I am confined,
A prisoner of a broken mind.
© Dean_2062