

The Voyageur and the Tormentor
The tide rose and fell,
The winds of strangeness and fright blew,
He stood at the deck of his boat, staring at the black abyss ahead.
He had seen many things in his life,
A giant creature,
With scaly dragon-like wings,
The head of an eagle,
The eyes of a tiger.
Somehow, he knew this beast was familiar.
He drew his sword,
Ready to face the beast,
But the Creature didn’t attack,
The Creature only looked at him,
And calmly sat in the water.
The voyageur looked into the monster’s eyes,
And slowly, the creature’s shape changed,
He started shifting,
And then shrunk to become a tiny speck,
And had fallen into the ocean,
The voyageur looked over his deck, into the liquid-crystal waves,
And realized that the monster whom he had faced,
His tormentor for years,
Was none other than himself.
© D.M Wright