

Unicorn Of My Dream
In my dream once came,
A beautiful white unicorn,
It had enchanting white wings,
And silky tail that was quite long.

It's shiny , innocent eyes,
Assured it meant no harm,
It spread its beautiful wings,
And we flew out of that farm.

I sat on its back,
Mesmerized by the view,
We reached different places,
Within a minutes few.

I stood there a bit confused,
Not understanding anything for a while,
As I saw my angels,
I had the biggest smile.

We spent the time talking,
As we walked along,
They made it my best day,
As they sung an alluring song.

I wished I could thank the unicorn,
For making my dream come true,
But my alarm rung and woke me up,
As I had a lecture due.
© Navi07