

December Days
December December…
Cold as ice.
Old as the winter
but twice as nice.

Wind ever sharp
never stops to rest.
Animals out in it

Snow in the morning.
Snow overnight.
Mud is deceitful
now painted white.

Days in December
bring fires ablaze,
glitter and green
and the holidays.

Gifts In bright packages
Christmas Eve
waiting for children
who want to receive.

Cookies and candy
and New Year’s Tea…
Lights on the houses
strung prettily…

Water is frozen.
Sharpened skates
dance with the sunshine
in figure eights.

Bundles of singers
by lantern light.
Carols make merry
the frosty night.

Wood smoke is sweet
in the morning air.
Peaceful in mind
in a comfy chair.

Coats for the cold
and beanies and boots,
leggings and scarves
and the flannel suits…

December December,
Joy in the heart…
A beautiful end
to a happy start!

© Loretta Shively
#december #holidays #winter