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Name's Ethelred. So I was told. Never got the chance to choose my own name.
Came from a secluded town which I dislike but I don't have much of a choice. If I could choose my name; I would be called Bliss. if I could choose a town I would probably still be in heaven. But, like I was told I am Ethelred.

I am 23 according to the date of my birth. Not that I'm so sure of it. I have been forced to take responsibilities and make decisions way beyond my age. Even though I doubt that I might probably be older but I am 23 . That's what I have been told.

I need a degree to respected. I need to work to be recognized. I need to cheat my up to be feared. That's what the society made me believe.

I have always lived with the feeling that the world has imposed on me a name, duty and quest.
But here am I. Choosing names for my children, trying to choose a career that would make a change in our lives. but I fear I'm imposing too much them just as I have been.
But do I have much of a choice.

And yes I am Ethel.
23 and proud. I have accepted the name and the age cos I don't have much of a choice.
I have to live with which ever choices that has been made by others on my behalf
© Ethel Chidubem