

Sorrowful happiness
I found a love ,
For me,
But it was so painful that,
She didn't love me,
From my heart and soul,
Really I wanted her,
I thought that she would be the essence,
Of my lavender,
I was so kid when first saw her,
I thought that she would be better,
For me than anyone I know,
But my feelings when I told her,
Got a refusal from her
Now in my spring it's start to fall snow,
Baby — I'm dancing in the dark,
I want your as my spark,
Wanna hug you tighter,
And kiss you more that u deserve,
Want to take u to the sea,
Make u to see sunset sitting beside me,
I know you know deeply,
That you are perfect for me,
Now I've set u free,
U can find someone better than me,
Now if you be so happy,
Then it'll be the best happiness for me 😊

© kuntal