

Amongst Fear
Beneath the moon's cold gaze, fear takes its flight,
A phantom in the shadows, haunting the night.
It whispers in the rustling leaves,
A dance of dread that subtly deceives.

In the silence, a heartbeat's rapid drum,
Fear's symphony, an ominous hum.
A specter lurking, unseen and sly,
Within the corners where shadows lie.

Dark corridors of the anxious mind,
Fear's echoes, elusive and unkind.
Yet, in the crucible of the soul's own fight,
Courage emerges, a beacon of light.

Face the unknown with a steadfast stare,
For courage, the antidote to despair.
In the tapestry of life, fear's thread,
Woven with strength, where resilience is bred.

So let the moonlit fears disperse,
As courage lifts the heart from the curse.
In the labyrinth where shadows leer,
Boldly stand against the grip of fear.
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