


On this wrong road
she doesn't know how far she has traveled
how many obstacles she has overcome
by grit by dreams by love by fire that she started
people say it's a miracle and I get so mad
how disrespectful to call someone's
determination and hard work a miracle
how many broken hearts she has endured
the friend after friend after friend she has lost
the love after love after love she has lost
the dreams she has had crushed
the thousands of nights that she
spent without anyone who really gets her
they never gonna get you when all they tryin to do is get you
and she gives always more than she gets
everything she takes with swift
she just gives away because her heart makes her
give to those struggling in this broken place
she makes every dying thing around her alive again
but on the wrong road she's on
her outrageous talent just barely let's her survive
and she uses the drugs and demons
before they use her up on the inside and out

they say if one gets lost in the forest
to immediately stop and to wait for help
so to not walk deeper into the wilds and get more lost.
but the streets don't let her stop
the corrupted system corrupted law is always there to put her away
so she goes where the streets they take her
and keeps her real beauty at bay
but her heart is filled with dismay
because she knows that each step she takes
isn't really closer to her goal
and that it's just like the forest
she's more lost everyday
on this wrong road

but there's a world not like this
there's a brighter world where
they'd see that beauty
and let her beauty shine
tears of victory and happy tears
instead of these tears of fear that never stop
making her makeup run
baby all you have to do
is ask yourself one thing
not who's gonna lead you there
cause you know where to go
but who has been waiting back with you
until you see the light
who won't leave without your hand.

© Edward Storm