

6 for a 9
Where are the critical thinkers?
Some are walking around with blinkers,
Swallowing everything that is preached to them,
By self-serving, unscrupulous uncaring women and men.
They are blinded by loyalty,
Whilst not realizing they are being shafted royally,
Brain washed that a 6 is a 9,
And being told that no matter how times are hard they will be fine.

Some are living with the cancerous silence,
That grows and makes them oblivious and void of common sense,
Living in their own little bubble,
In their world they feel and see no trouble,
Because their children's education, food and shelter are secure,
They don't care about the others who are deprived and poor.
Once they are blessed with privilege,
They don't care what is happening with the rest of the village.

Some put no weight on facts,
Clueless to the weight that is put on their backs,
We all need to learn to think for ourselves,
And start questioning our leaders' ideologies by asking, "How will it help us and not yourselves?
Everything is swallowed like hook, line and sinker;
We need to become critical and rational thinkers.
Don't be gullible and benign;
Start distinguishing a 6 from a 9.

Mind control is a powerful thing;
Especially if you are blinded with promises of opulence and bling,
Education for citizens is a must,
So they can critically dissect information and not just blindly trust.
We have to start practicing the art of discernment,
So we can easily identify the serpents,
For their treachery and self-serving nature,
That is the only way we can chart our own future.

© Audrey Malcolm