

I wish she was me
I wish she was me,
I wish she could cry and never scream,
I wish was broken to the beat,
I wish she was me.

Her heart was mending,
Her soul was crushing,
She was dead yet alive,
I wish she was me.

She was the world's biggest nightmare,
She could never be what this world wants her to be,
I wish she was me.

She was a trapped soul inside a cage,
She wanted to fly, feel free,
But instead, she was left all alone,
To fight,
To bear,
To suffer,
To rot in a house she never wanted to be in,
She was tired, all she wanted was peace,
I wish she was me.

Her smile faded,
Her body shattered like pieces,
Yet, her heart was beating.
She was cold like ice and hard as a rock,
She was a queen of her own hive,
I wish she was me.

She couldn't speak,
She couldn't think,
She couldn't breathe,
She never asked for hell, but she got one in disguise,
Where there were demons all around her soul,
Darkness but no light to follow,
I wish she was me.

© Zindagi_sona