

"To my lover I meet on the ice"
To my lover I meet on the ice

To my angel, to my beloved man

To my only partner, my comfort

To my childhood friend, to you my everything in this life.
To you I've known love with. And love ended with you.

You surely know how much I love you, I want you to always know that you were my first and only partner and indeed, you'll forever be.

Since we were young , you were the one to skate with me holding my hand to comfort me
So I never felt nervous holding it

Next to you, I felt alive and in that cold ice, I felt the warmth I could ever feel because you were there both soul and body.
I want to say I missed you, soo much that I can't breath

You left me soo soon at the beginning of our life. I am not blaming you
I know you're in a better place right now. I am just speaking out of my sorrow

Now that you're gone a lot of things are missing in my life
Your smile, your voice, our conversations, you holding me into your arms  while  I am injured  and dancing with me

I can't hear the music as I used to hear it with you anymore

The skating ground feels so lonely now
Who's Gonna hold me now?
Who's going to dance with me till the sunrise?.

I still remember how it feels skating with you
The music was going outside of you

And the skating ground felt like a huge dance floor 

Your eyes distracted me from the whole world and at moments it was like we were dancing in the air instead of the ice

It was like a fairy tale

And now, if there wasn't our lovely daughter with me, I would've thought you were a beautiful dream I saw.

How much l wished to freeze you so I can see you all the time
So that you won't leave my sight.
But that wouldn't bring peace to my heart. I should let you go.

But you must remember that whenever I skate I am not alone you're always with me

Living in my soul.

Yours dearly:Ekaterina gordeeva
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