

Elephant Shoes
I'm a little confused by elephant shoes

By little white lies in with sprinkles of truth

Reverse compromise just to watch something move

Chart a map to the spot where past tense is brand new

Find a way to strip guise without piling on rouse

Use this space to bend time back to when "I love you's" still rang out genuine and were easy to use

Back to when to communicate wasn't to convolute.

But fuck you. Fuck your elephant shoes.
They're too fucking big on me anyway.

Resentment fits you like a glove, but it's outdated, out of fashion.

And I'm so comfortable with being uncomfortable now that I don't even think I can go back to that fading memory of faux contentment--

Confusing excuses with passion and being

But let's be honest with eachother, just for a second.
We've been hanging on by threadbare chance for alot longer than I flicked bic picked up the habit

And neither of us is ever happy unless we have the other all wound up- noose on one end with the other tucked neatly in a pocket.

How nonchalant we act in our abuse.
© girlfelony