

Chasing Serenity
I closed my eyes
I saw myself
Standing on a cliff
My hair is flowing with the wind
My hands are trembling from the cold
My knees are shaking
Frightened from what's chasing me
Scared from what's waiting for me
Nowhere to turn to
Just a jump and all of these will end
Tears are forming in the corners of my eyes
Then it flow like a lone river in the woods
Darkness surrounds me
There's no light
Alone and scared
Where will I go?
What will I do?
When will this escaping stop?
I tried everything to escape from my monsters
Yet, they are still chasing me
Like a life-starved creatures
Waiting for me to end it all
Waiting for me to fade
They are murderers who can't be seen
Their voices makes me keep wailing
I keep on screaming in silence
I keep on dying without them knowing
I keep on walking on the river of unhappiness
I keep drowning myself into this emptiness
Now, I am ending it all
The thing inside my chest can't take it anymore
I shall fade, I shall disappear
The weight of sadness
I'm feeling is beyond tough to endure
I shall say my goodbye
I shall end it all
I shall apologize
For not enduring it more

#Escaping #Monster