

A fortunate shot resulted in a goal,
As if it were a lucky rabbit's foot you possess,
People lose control,
A million or two more or less,

One's thing sure,
That Second thing are always secondary
Sometimes wish to pull out for the third time,
Yet we fail to with out knees and head tied.

For the lies being told to us
Be Good for the reward is magnificent,
Life still pays the bills unsymmetrical
For the good knows evil,
and still runs from it.

If we had different foots,
then why would we be said to be equal
Maybe all this contingencies i bore in mind,
Spoke the truth hidden from man all along.
My intentions are about to sign the label
To pay will be my gain,
And to loose will be my fortune

Circumstances shall be my friend,
For the ordeal is fair and square
Circling around this thoughts,
As i swirl to a place you will never have to find yourself.

© Etimfon