A Sleepless Night
It was midnight I'm lying on bed with open windows,
Moon & stars shine bright and were on glow.
A second night after a Stromy day, fresh & clear sky;
Blowing wind was moist pleasent was high
Serenity was everywhere no dust and only fresh air,
Silence is rulling only fireflies break through came to ear:
Living in stuffed city such freshness is very rare
And I wonder feeling this how many people are there!
Staring to moon through clear sky & breezing wind,
The moisture was like read out her whole mind...
Moon & stars shine bright and were on glow.
A second night after a Stromy day, fresh & clear sky;
Blowing wind was moist pleasent was high
Serenity was everywhere no dust and only fresh air,
Silence is rulling only fireflies break through came to ear:
Living in stuffed city such freshness is very rare
And I wonder feeling this how many people are there!
Staring to moon through clear sky & breezing wind,
The moisture was like read out her whole mind...