

A Sleepless Night
It was midnight I'm lying on bed with open windows,
Moon & stars shine bright and were on glow.
A second night after a Stromy day, fresh & clear sky;
Blowing wind was moist pleasent was high

Serenity was everywhere no dust and only fresh air,
Silence is rulling only fireflies break through came to ear:
Living in stuffed city such freshness is very rare
And I wonder feeling this how many people are there!

Staring to moon through clear sky & breezing wind,
The moisture was like read out her whole mind
Situation was like what peace for soul dessire;
It was all good until Zeus did the gesture

Despair was forming over happiness like King's crown,
Cloud from shield between moon & earth, I frown;
Something was not good rather something bad might cast
Thoughts turn reality and also very fast.

Dark clouds grew darker and darkness spread everywhere,
Deadly howls of dogs flowing in middle air
Sharply blown whistle did gurdman and I—
I felt a cold rumble through my spine.

Hypnotised watching sky with mindful thought which are foul;
Clouds form shape of grim which signifies ill omen,
Even dangerous than death what that omen means
I'm smiling like kid & eyes like sinners.

© heart of a dying star
. #night #horror #Moon #evil #curse #alone #hypnotise #clouds