

A flower
Blossoming in the orchard of Grace
Surrounded by vipers and wolves
So precious is the flower
That it keeps the demons awake
Throwing tantrums
Trying to make it wither
She's embedded with humanity
What most lack
It makes the flower vulnerable
Torn in fear of unknown
Uncertainities that keep the heart thumping harder
But who's gonna let her know
That deep within her...
Amongst her fears, dilemmas and crossroads
Lies her strengths in disguise
Waiting for her touch
Her awakening
That she can stand up neck high
Roar loader than a lion
Trample over her nemesis foes
Crush them to pulp
And let them sway in the whirlwind of her power
She is a giant
A get goer
A gem so priceless
That deserves every moment of high spirits
© Martin Mbugua