

The search for direction

I didn't get to this outer part,
Of the space,
Without a map.
I float, untethered,
Leaving me free,
And without a map lost.

I didn't enter this building structure,
Without a blueprint.
I follow the whispers of my imagination,
letting my instincts guide my hands.
Lack direction,
And distractions are not,
far from me because,
of the lack of blueprint.

I need a new map,
Or a new blueprint,
But if I get,
My old map,
Or my old blueprint,
I will be fine.
There are clues here and there,
But I need a map.
There are instructions here and there,
But I need a blueprint.
I Tried to navigate the space,
Without a map,
But I am always stranded.

So daily I wait,
On the author of maps,
And the designer of blueprints,
To give me a map,
Or to give me a blueprint.
© chayansays...