

Your Candle
5 years.....

5 years, it's been a long Time...
5 years ago you committed a crime, you stole my heart and became Mine.....

The distance can't do Anything...,
coz you are my Everything....

I find you sometimes in a Doubt...
Don't worry my love i won't dissapeare in a Crowd....

This long distance hit me hard like a Truck....,
but believe me when I see you in dreams... I'm Awestruck.....

I'm sorry that i'm not good at expressing my Feelings...
but do you know i'm good at Healing....

i'm sorry that I couldn't make it up to you after the Fight,
but I always try to make your smile Bright...

World is callous enough to make us Apart, but i wonder how they'll apart connected Hearts....

I think about you when it Rains...


you don't know but you are in all of my Veins....

"When you feel depressed & dark at Night....

I'll be your Candle, I'll burn myself

to give you Light.....

I'll be clearly on Moon..
My Love.....
I'll meet you Soon....

© NewLeaves