

Whispers of the shore

Beneath the azure sky, where the ocean meets the land,
I recall a moment, hand in hand, with my lover, so grand.

The beach, our sanctuary, where senses came alive,
I taste the salt upon my lips, carried by the sea-kissed air,
A hint of brine, a reminder of the ocean's endless flair.

As we shared a kiss, our tongues danced with the sea's embrace,
A taste of passion, mingling with the waves' grace.

Beneath our feet, the sand, warm and soft, like a lover's touch,
Caressing our toes, as we strolled along, never in a rush.

With each step, the grains embraced our skin, a gentle massage,
A tactile connection, igniting a flame, an intimate voyage.

The scent of the beach, a symphony of nature's perfume,
The salty breeze, mingling with the blossoms in bloom.

The fragrance of coconut oil, a tropical delight,
Whispering secrets of paradise, under the sun's golden light.

Together, we lay upon a blanket, feeling the sun's warm caress,
As the waves serenaded us, a lullaby of tenderness.

© Lily