

Farewell Brother

In whispers of a love so true,
A heart was broken,
Never to be fixed.
A soul so bright, in darkness it fell,
Logic was lost ,
The heart became the brain.

With tears falling effortlessly ,
On his dark melanated skin,
He wrote his heartache, his sweet pain.
A love so strong, yet lost its way,
In shadows of despair, he'd forever stay.

His eyes, once bright, now dim and grey,
Reflected the sorrow of each day.
His smile, a memory, a distant past,
A joy that faded, forever to last.

In silence, he screamed, in pain he cried,
His heart, a heavy burden, could not survive.
The weight of love, the weight of loss,
Crushed his dreams, his heart, his soul.

Longing for his lost love
Regret for what could have been
Memories of past heartaches
A nostalgic memory of a past love
A melancholic reflection on a lost opportunity
A wistful longing for a bygone era

The bittersweet refrain of his current love still echoing in his mind.
Her favorite song became a bittersweet refrain,
Reminding him of their time together.

With one last breath, he whispered low,
In death, he found solace, a peaceful afternoon,
An escape from love's cruel, heartless tendencies.

And in the end, his love remained, a bittersweet refrain.
Depression had the won at last.
With a smile on his face,
A nylon rope gripping tightly
On his neck,
And her name etched across his heart,
He breathed his last.
Leaving us all in a never ending stream of tears.
The sky God had gained another angel .

Dedicated to all our brothers and sisters who lost their lives to suicide.

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