

Unanswered Echo's

In silence I wait, with bated breath,
For words that may soothe my soul's unrest.
Yet the more I yearn for reply,
The more echoes of silence amplify.

A tender plea, I send with hope,
To break the silence's iron yoke.
But like a whisper lost in wind,
My words vanish, unanswered, chagrined.

I gaze at the void of an empty screen,
Hoping for signs of a response unseen.
Each passing moment stretches long,
As silence sings its mournful song.

My heart beats loud, my mind in knots,
Yearning for connection, that time forgot.
But as the minutes turn to hours,
The weight of silence grows, the power devours.

I question my words, their every intent,
Did they fail to convey what my heart meant?
Or have they fallen on deafened ears,
Lost in the void of unspoken fears?

The more I want reply, it seems,
The tighter silence wraps its silent schemes.
Like a phantom, dancing in the shadows,
Leaving me longing, deep in the sorrows.

But amidst this quiet, a lesson unfolds,
A truth untold, in silence, it molds.
For in the absence of words, I find,
Strength and resilience, a spirit refined.

In patience, I learn to let silence be,
To embrace its presence, set my heart free.
For even in silence, a message may lie,
Whispered in gestures, a subtle reply.

I'll cherish the stillness, embrace its grace,
And let my longing find a calmer space.
For the more I yearn, the less I control,
And silence may speak, mending the soul.

In silence, I discover my own voice,
A symphony of strength, my heart's rejoice.
For whether reply comes or silence persists,
I'll find solace in the quiet, knowing I exist.

© Quiet Winter