


My life is an open book,
That led me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey.
It led me to many difficult phases,
And lured me for dreams which everyone chases,
The book didn't seem to have an end,
I turned the pages and it continued to extend.
At a certain page, everything was blank,
I had to fill it further which would show my rank,
It revealed the reason of my existence-
To work hard and have patience.
The lessons the book of my life had,
Taught me to move on and never be sad,
It made me realize my true potential,
And to focus on things which were essential.
Life helped me to bear it's ups and downs;
It taught me to recover even if I get trounced.
I struggled vigoriously and hard,
To achieve my life's reward,
At last when I would reached it's end;
Where it would not further extend,
I would pat myself and say,
What a life I had in my whole way!

Live your life to the fullest! Don't have any regret till you reach the last page of this book of life....