

joy and sorrow
In the depths of my heart, a strange feeling brews,
A mix of joy and sorrow, an emotion that confuses.
For when I think of you, my heart fills with delight,
But then I remember our goodbye, and my eyes lose sight.

The happiness we shared, the moments we laughed,
All seem like a dream, a memory that's half.
For the tears that we shed, the pain that we felt,
Are etched in my mind, like scars that won't melt.

How can I reconcile these two opposing states?
The love that we had, the hurt that still waits.
Perhaps it's the complexity that makes it so real,
The bittersweet taste that I'm forced to feel.

For even though it hurts, I cherish the memories we made,
The love that we shared, the promises we made.
So I'll hold on to both, the joy and the sorrow,
For they are a part of me, today and tomorrow.
© c.wright