

The Mysterious Journey Of My Life..
As the Akbar and, Ashoka's history,
I feel my life,
a huge mystery.
it's totally like,
a huge question mark,
like I had lost into a deep ocean,
and followed by a wild shark.
I also want some people,
to express myself,
some those whom I can believe,
ask whenever I need for help.
could I express
my self never?
will anybody try,
to understand me ever.
"who make me own"
is there someone
whom I can believe,
and release my burden.
I never accepted love,
from people of my around,
but I always want to people,
for give me a positive surround.
why will I do everything,
for others' satisfaction,
I will live my life by myself,
because I am also that god's creation.
why they always tries,
to control my thinking,
I can't leaves myself,
for shrinking.
I proud myself,
what who am I,
I won't to prove,
my ownself as a lie.

@sumit 123

© sumit123