

The Righteous Servant

They say that greed and power are not virtues the righteous should seek.

He is told that they are evil and the destruction of his soul.

That he who is righteous should be humble.

Obedient, a faithful servant to his God.

A God who lives in a majestic place where the eyes of man never stop ceasing to be wonderfully amazed.

Yet he himself knows no wonder or beauty in his life.

He lives hoping tomorrow will be better then yesterday.

He is told to Forgive those who have wronged him.

Too never seek revenge on those who have brought him great harm.

Should others have beaten him and robbed him of his substance to survive.

He should be grateful and rejoice that breath is still felt upon his lips.

Though he may have a life that has so little.

He is commanded to be charitable with what little he may have.

He is told to love others.

While he himself is forgotten and ignored by those he loves.

Yet he who is this humble righteous servant is told to remain silent.

Silent while others enjoy their wickedness and endeavors of evil.

Is there no justice for this righteous man?

Is there no happiness that this righteous man may enjoy?

Is there no fruit of success that this righteous man may have for himself?

Is there no love that this righteous man may have?

Is his end no better then his beginning?

Is this bruised and battered man who lives to be righteous and holy before his God.

One we deeply admire, but one we would never want to be ?
R. M. Ragnanese
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