

Board the windows,beat the clock
Tick tock goes the clock,
Tick tock, it's time to take stock..

Now where in the world did I put that lock? The zombies are coming and we need to nail the windows shut,and we have to fix the hinges and hurry before we are out of luck.

Grab that hammer,swipe that nail,board up the door like we were building a jail.

Those creatures are deadly as you and I know,they eat human beings whether it rains or snows.

Unfortunately it's summer,and we're sweating in this sweltering heat,as we try and beat the clock and catch some sleep.

I'll take the first watch,followed by Freddy then Shag,and Jose' will stand guard while I hit the sack.

This should help us sleep in this unbearable heat,we are beat,we are staggering,we are fighting those creeps.

Tick tock tick tock goes the clock,we finally put together this makeshift lock. The door has been boarded and the windows are shut. I hear moaning and groaning out in that dark torrid fog.

Can we take stock? Can we beat the clock?

I guess we shall find out,for it's midnight,the moon is burning a hole in my eyes,the shear angst of it all can almost make me cry.
© dimples5feet3