

Flat Head Greenish Chubby GOD!!!
where is paradise???
when I was a little dumb
I used to ask mom
mom always smiled on my questions
dont you want to know who the GOD is???
she asked back with that divine smile
no, i dont

coz I know who the GOD is
the flat head-y greenish chubby
is the ultimate GOD for all
my brother used to worship him
he even kept a statue of it
flat head greenish chubby God

whos is the real GOD???
where is the actual heaven???
what is worshipping???
to whom should you pray???
everything will be answered by you itself
you ll be answered when you get bigger
bigger than me
bigger than papa

the GOD you have now may change
the paradaise you know now may change
you may change
mom and dad may change
change is the ultimate spectrum
a good change can...