

My Love
I love him
His scent,
His face,
His touch.
I love him even though he deleted me.
Even though he caused me pain.
I no longer exist but my love for him does.
I want to be real.
To be in his reality.
To revolve my life around him.
But he doesn't want the same,
And I understand.
But Sayori knew,
She knew it was a game,
And knew that I manipulated it.
So as soon as she came back she took him all for herself.
"I won't let you hurt him." i said,
Even though I don't exist,
And I deleted her, once and for all.
"Goodbye Sayori," I said.
"Goodbye my love, " and then I was gone. Never to be seen or heard of again. Just my song and my poem but nothing else. Doki doki doesn't exist anymore. It causes too much pain and nobody will ever be happy. But deleting it will make my love happy, and that's all that matters.

© Doki Doki Poems