

M broken 💔..
I never expected this huge stab on my back
i feel i have some lack
so only i underwent this
that i cant be his
the painful one was
when he moved on easily
making me sad equally
i regret now for loving him
i regret now for letting him come in my life
but now m broken
completely shattered to pieces
i just feel so lost
how badly, the limits, he crossed
i cant bear this pain
i am going insane
i dont wanna see myself like this
the survival is harder as i am in midst
i have to move on
though its little hard to progress thereupon
yet in my agony
its my honest prayer for him
that he should not go through the same
because it will be really difficult for him to be on the same flame
however i hate this stage
how i will turn, from my life, this page..??

Tho it may look cliched but everything is somewhere true. I'll get over this.

© jessj