

Building Up
Great minds and thinkers alike,
All started off somewhere low and filled with dislike.
It would take many a try to turn to gold,
Many a failure until they got a hold.
Envious of them, people they found,
All of whom resorted to keeping them bound.

In a world filled with pride and deceit,
It’s hard to find one not wanting you off your seat.
Devious ways and methods they try,
To keeping you from soaring up on high.

Difficult it is to find someone taking joy in your success,
One who builds you up, strengthening all you possess.
Rare are those few with genuine belief,
Joyous to see you breathe a sigh of relief.

Building someone up is not the easiest thing to do,
What’s needed is belief and a leap of faith too.
Helping someone succeed unknowingly makes you grow,
Giving them support and strength so they can see the rainbow.

So be the person who people are encouraged and motivated by,
Just that one person who will continuously push them to try.
Push them not just to try,
But cross all imaginable boundaries and pass on the same, not just say goodbye!

At the end of the day, what matters is not where we failed,
But how we learned from it, shared, passed it on and prevailed.

(True success is not measured by how many you beat to reach the top,
But in how many you pulled up and took with you.)