

My beautiful love
I remember you, when the rain starts to fall,
That day you were hugging me so close..
And when I felt a shiver of cold,
I felt your jacket wrapping me warm.
When I heard that music at the coffe shop,
I felt tears starting to crawl.
I sow your face for a second or so.
You smiled and drank a sip,
Capichino your favorite drink.
And when the sun catches my eyes,
I remember your shadow,
Standing at our house door.
Holding my hand and running around,
like two little kids who just discovered love.
My love, where are you?
I still need you my love!
Why aren't you waiting for me at home?
I feel your side of the bed still warm,
I used to fall asleep at the couch,
and wake up holding you close.
But now in this drunken nights,
I only end up being alone.
Without you by my side,
I am lost, without controll.
I need at least a place,
where I know you will be,
and I hope I manage to see you,
There once again looking at me.
To tell me I wasn't late at all,
a beautiful angel, my beautiful love.
A little bit of color was lost in my view,
with your beautiful soul,
that truly had no clue.

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#poem #mylove