

The tree was I
I took a walk today.
A beautiful walk down the one-way.

While walking, my lonely eyes caught a beauty.
Trust me- it is just like the one i have never seen.
So simple was it to decipher her face,
Yet, very complex was the energy that drew me to this thing.
Really, it was a case!

It wasn't a girl. No, it wasn't.
It wasn't a house. No- i wouldn't have loved it.
My dear friend, it was the first child of mother nature.
With my mouth so wide, all i could do was stare in admiration.

Yes! It was one of mother's kids.
A tree.
Her leaves were like the very pages of a book,
describing explicitly the reason i even looked
So, i looked closely and guess what? It was I.
I could see my very nature embedded in this cute, gigantic creature.
I looked- wishing i could fly,
Fly to the past and thank the man that laid such a beautiful foundation,
Appreciate the man that laid a solid foundation for mother nature.

A hundred years ago,
It was a seed.
Extremely small that you could mistake it for a grain of sand.
So rejected, it found no abode on earth except deep in the ground.

But, it didn't fight.
It accepted the very ridicule of men, and patiently waited for its own time.
With its daily portion of rain, and a small ray of light,
it remained satisfied.
So, it didn't fight. It survived.

A hundred years down the line,
It feels like as though, there was no line at all.
Perhaps, it must have suddenly burst into light,
because it doesn't make sense for that small seed to stand so tall.

Look! It stands tall for all to see.
There is no more hiding;
for if it was diligent enough to remain in the deep,
It should be bold enough to stand tall for all to see.

So, i stood there and i understood it all.
The tree was I.
The tree was a definition of my life.