

First meet !!!
I remember the first time when I saw you looking at me ,
Love at first site till then was unknown to me .

The first meet was for sure breathtaking,
Fantasies in my mind , it was making...

That innocence in your eyes and nervousness in your voice ,
When I could not utter a single word but my heart made noise ..

Beauty in your name , beauty in your soul..
Simplicity in your nature , firmness in your goals..

I found someone like me , someone for me ,
Chatty but sincere , mature but bit childish , just like me ..

Strange is that we speak less and understand more ,
Someone rightly said,in love , eyes speak more.

The differences between us mattered a little ,
ofcourse our love is not that brittle .

I fall in love with you every single time ,
A smile upon my face remembering You're mine !

© minisoni