

Broken star

"Sitting under the night sky,
Thinking about life's what's and why,,
Broken, speechless , I m looking at stars,
I m feeling the pain , i m feeling the scars .
Life is lifeless , so am i ,

"I m Afraid to be broken again , i am afraid to try .
Pain , betrayal , confusion these are parts of life , yeah I Know.
But when it will be sunshine , always,everyday, it's only snow

"I m feeling the wind , i m feeling the cold
Life is not like how i was told .
Lost in the space , i m lost in me
Want to be unchained, i want to be free .
My phone is in my pocket , but no one I can call,
Every minute is like an hour, but i read life is small

"Stars have sky , moon has night , sun had day,
And here I am , i am having dismay ,,,
I wish someone was there with me in this cold dark night ,

"I wish someone was there to hug me very Tight ,
Now i see only masks and fake smiles,
My legs are paining and I have to walk miles,
But I want to just live this moment with this cold night ,,,

"I want to kiss darkness instead of searching for light ,..
Yeah I wanna be carefree , I wanna be careless , i wanna be free ,,,
No more diplomacy, no more fakeness ,,,I just wanna be me