

Coronavirus? The marketing plan gone wrong.
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
Nothing like an unseen, yet opposing source
To dampen all new growth, Spring brings to force
It's as though the winter
Wasn't cold enough
As though the white snow
Didn't receive the glory, and the snow angel love of children
As though the winter
Did not come to us as always
As though Christmas wasn't present
It's as if the ground came alive
I know all of those aware of 9/11 remember
The horrific sounds of live being dismantled and taken
Coronavirus is something no one can control
Not can one man defeat
It is a plague of sorts
Almost relative to it's cousin, SARS, that horrible beast
But in time of crisis
We all can stay aware
We all can still make those that matter of importance
Even do our best to stay prepared
This is a lesson on forgiveness
Even a lesson on appreciation
For how many of you were holding grudges
Possibly ignoring one another, treating each other as unimportant replacements
Know that coronavirus doesn't care who it offends
Who it takes away, or if scientists conquer it
So in the meantime of this chaotic and unsure time
Be sure to tell everyone that you love, how much it is that you care for them
There is no time to get around to it
Maybe later, possibly when you get done with whatever has your time
Just remember everyday lives are lost
And there is nothing worse
Than knowing someone is no longer with you
When you took advantage of relative time
And now they are gone.
So wash your hands
Protect your face
Facebook it out, or Instagram if that's your taste
But make that call and never text too late
Because you never know, with Coronavirus
It may not be someone else, Coronavirus may catch you in that unprotected space.
So before everyone freaks out and we beat a dead horse to death,
Find a space and moment in time to wonder how Coronavirus might affect Corona beer sales.
Now that's something we all can sit and laugh aloud about
We never saw it coming
But we know we all drank a Corona, at that barbeque or that friend's house.

*Stay healthy and remember life is precious. Tell your loved ones they are important. Stay protected. Don't underestimate the virus or your immunity. Keep children and elderly at home. Wear a face mask, even if running quick errands.*