

Its 2 a.m. and I'm trying to sleep,

not being able to do so

I looked out at the sky,

the moonlight seeping through my room,

so serene.

Everything around me became bright

yet it failed to light me up.

Something inside me felt lonely,

felt so dark, something inside me felt empty

and that something wasn't inside me,

it was me!

In this world full of possibilities and opportunities

I still feel meaningless.

Every day just like the sun I put on a positive smile

covering all my sadness underneath,

just like the sun I was lonely

yet shined so bright for the world.

Every rainy day, I gave up my umbrella

to shield all my loved ones

so that I could walk in the rain,

the raindrops mixed with my tears

made me feel like it understood me

more than my umbrella that shielded me from it.

Every rainbow reminded me of the times when,

after every storm comes a rainbow,

but my rainbow,

though colorful and vibrant to others,

to me, it showed lifeless and weak.

Every night the world was twinkling

like the stars but I was like the moon,

radiant on the one side,

following everyone wherever they went

so that they are never left alone,

to listen to all their sad stories,

but nobody knew about the dark side of the moon,

nobody knew that the one who was listening,

the one who was shining for others

needed a ray of hope.

I hide everything under my fake smile.

When I was little I was afraid of the monsters under my bed

but now I am afraid of the monsters underneath myself.

I am afraid of myself,

that one day my monsters will completely take over me,

and I won't even be able to put on a smile that is real or even fake.

I'm holding everything inside of me never opening up to anyone

and my monsters are feeding on it,

I'm afraid that my monsters will completely take over me,

pulling me into their darkness

and never be able to see that ray of hope,

and just completely leaving me empty and hollow.

© Rhea susan
#emptiness #emptysoul #empty #numb #nofeelings #darktimes #Darkness #sadtruth #breath