

random feelings from my life
you fill in the details,
i aint got time for no shit!

well that fucking sucked with a capital fuck.

i find you inspiring,
what inspires you?

i hope that one day,
the world is as equally as nice as you!

im sorry for my lack of response to hearing about your ______
that wasnt what i was expecting.

have i been a good friend?
i would have no idea if you have anyone to console in.

im sorry if im a little overly interested in you,
you are just easily the most interesting person in the room.
i doubt that i could ever predict what you will say or do next.
i value your opinion for that.

you have carved out a free life for yourself.
not the external,
the internal.

you get to leave all conditioning behind.
all accumulation.
all habits and mechanical ways of being.
you get to live with death very closely!!!!
and as a consequence, are so extremely alive!

get back out there
you squirrely dogs
dog of dogs
i love the mess
chaos is not a dirty word.
french word for enjoy the meal!

direct experience baby youve earned the right
so smell the roses
hear the birds,
see the colors,
lets eat