

If only
I painted a sunflower pictures today,
As I dived in admiring the pure yellow petals I saw her,
I saw her magical blue oceanic eyes filled with a trillion little galaxies and moon dust,
And I recalled the hurricanes in her eyes that gave me waves every time she spoke,
For those eyes didn't need diamonds to shine they had that extraordinary look,
You know that light that makes even the sunblush and the moon jealous,
For they reflected so much beauty and love in a bizarre manner,
Oh! If only I could see beyond that light maybe I would behold the darkness she hid,
Maybe now the world wouldn't be filled with I wish and what if.
If only I could stare more my love.

If only I took time to love the sunflower in her,
Maybe I would not have lost my wildflower in search of roses,
For she was a stunning mystery, a strong cup of black coffee that yearned to be tasted,
But I was drunk in the cheap wine of ego and ideals of this imperfect perfect world,
Now I miss her so loud in my silent days and I remember her longer than I knew her,
I feel her in everything, I search for her in every crowd, and every art I draw I see her,
For she loved me at my darkest and these tears are the haunt of things I should have been,
If only I could love your broken pieces, my love.

If only I understood why you liked thunderstorms, my love,
Maybe I would hear her screams, for she knew that even nature had to scream sometimes,
Now I'm screaming her name in every thought, and I hear all the unspoken words she had,
If only I called her back that day, maybe I would heal her unseen wounds,
Maybe her eyes would smile again and stop the suicidal storm,
If only I would write about you more, draw your smile more, and love you more,
Then I would write to the point of paralysis, I would draw your picture on every billboard,
But now I hope you dance with the stars and every time I stare at them I hope they whisper
I love you.
If only I loved you more my love.