

Modern Dating: A Comedy of Errors
You’d think when someone actually likes you,
they'd swipe right and stay true,
maybe even send a thoughtful message,
and not ghost you like a viral trend.

You'd think when someone actually likes you,
they’d notice the sparkle in your eyes,
maybe even appreciate your weird quirks,
like your obsession with collecting book spine poetry,

But these days, if someone likes you,
they'll probably send a meme or two,
treat your profile like it's a add to scroll past,
and disappear faster than a missed notification.

These days, if someone really likes you,
they’ll probably comment on your choice of socks,
stare at you like you’re a new kind of vegetable,
and avoid any sign of affection, because who needs that?

Modern dating feels like a high-stakes game show,
especially when you’re clueless about how to impress anyone.
It’s like waking up to your phone buzzing non-stop,
with cheesy pick-up lines from guys who think “Hey, cutie” is original,
and out of all those messages, only one actually gets you,
but you keep all the options, just in case you need a backup.

It’s like living without brushing your teeth—
a funny thought, but hey, how else will you get someone to notice you?
A breath that smells like yesterday’s pizza,
Who’d dare kiss a mouth that’s still full of last night’s leftovers?
It’s like the dating world is on a permanent diet of weirdness,
where the real connection is less about perfection and more about
a shared love of awkward silences, oddball habits,
and that unforgettable smell of breakfast gone wrong.

Modern dating these days is like trying to dance with bees—
a constant buzz, an attempt to dodge perfection,
and when you think you've finally figured it out,
you realize they were just stung by your awkwardness.
And after all that, they’ll still walk away,
leaving you to contemplate why your quirks seemed like a dirty sock.

In the end, maybe we all need to open our eyes
to the humor in our imperfections, rather than chasing flawless fantasy.
© coleyyy