

The Girl
There is a girl living in the distant
Her life is dull and vague
Afraid to try something that she might struggle
She spent nineteen years of her life
Locking herself in the four corners of their house.

Loves to shadows her sisters
Than following her quest
Haven't tried making decisions w/o parents consent
A kind of girl that is quite and soft.

One day she made a serious mistake
Stab her classmate in the eye
Resulting her life flip upside down
Resulting to stay quite in the corner.

Refuses to socialize with other kids
Finds it hard to make friends
Turned to a point where she found only one friend
Then, one friend becomes four.

Befriends her classmates when she turns into college
She realizes no one will stay forever
So it's better to learn being alone
Like eating, walking, riding in a jeep.