

Conversations with Mama

Mama said.
Son, watch out
for the one that helps
in times of struggle.
Leave that coat of pride
outside and pay homage
to the soil that holds the
graves of our ancestors.

Be humble as you
eat out of that bowl!

As the wind blows, and
the grain from the last
harvest dries.
Plenty will visit your
granary again.
And you'll return the favor.

Listen, my son.
The one that helps when
you're out of lotion, and your
skin is flaky.
When your hair is a desperate
mess and your speech
is a drunk person's promises.
When the beggar's anthem
is an attuned soliloquy.
And your clothes are tattered
and old.
Hold close.
That is your person.

When the music changes.
And the world feeds you
with adulations befitting
a King.
Do not forget this person.

Humility, my son!
There is no humanity
for struggle.

DON'T ever forget,

© Personalpoet