

Trend... Humanity...
Nowadays fake is the running trend...
Reality is the old trend....
But humanity is the everlasting trend...

So many are heart broken....
So many are feeling depressed...
So many are facing chaos....

All the heart broken, depressed,etc... These people are trying to heal someone's wound...

People who experienced the worst situation in their life wishes that no one would go through that situation...

We writers can change the trend by our thoughts...
Quotes, poems, stories are just not lines or feelings.. Those can heal someone's wound, encourage someone to live, can help someone to solve their problems...

Fake may be new trend.. We writers can change this fake trend by our writings & thoughts..

Humanity word itself has human in it... Humans are the only one who has the capacity to think...
Let's change the fake trend into humanity trend...😉😉😉😉😉