

Lose One Friend
I drew a line between who I was to you and what I thought
I never thought what I was to you could be so fought
Love is only short of lying
And I’ve grown with your stubbornness
Slow to help but quick to rot
I haven’t been able to speak lately
yet I did
I was feeling proud
And lovely
I haven’t been able to show up lately
I was feeling punished
Yet proud
It’s a long way to look up
And I’m already north
There’s only so much I can expand without you
When I’ve reached the top
I won’t forget your separate travel
But I will forgive it
I wanted honesty in return
I got it
I got it
I got it
Permanence is a temporary way to think
The ink
The vlogs
But mostly my makeup in your sink
I got it
I got it
I got it
© venusianbaby