

God never sleeps
Sometimes in life when people hurt you, remember that what goes around comes right back around, use life lesson as a learning process in your life, let it shape your future, because life is not perfect, there are hard times to face, people to show their true colors, the ones you must forgive and Know your limits with them, because the heart of mankind is wicked, we have a saying here in ja that goes like this, not everyone that show teeth mean laugh, many times people pretend to like you and deep down their heart towards you is not good, not pure and in due time you will see their true colors because they can't hide it anymore, we forgive but never forget, things you use to do with them as come to a stop because their hearts are evil and even the bible talks about hypocrite and to stay away from people who are like that, at times you are not judging others but action speak loader than words, once bitten twice shy, because not all people can be trusted.
one of many saying i like: fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, meaning that never let the same things happen to you twice, and if you see that, there are persons in your circle not good, then let them be because mankind can't be tammed, know your limits with others because some people will listen to your life story and use it against you in the future, take it from someone who have been there, and know that, not everyone can be trusted, so to all the real people out there keep it up, because only pure hearts God want to see.
© Marcia Crossdale