

loved one do forget
I thought you care
I thought we are blood
You brought me in to the internal world
And left me in the middle of the winter

When am around,
Are those affection real?
you are meant to be a father
But you turn my love into the fire

I sincerely care with one heart.
If only I knew only the blood connected us;
You pretend to care when am around
But left me alone, like the deceased when I turn my back.

Mixed feeling I never heard for you
I thought I should have my share in your heart;
But now I realize only blood connected us.
Deeper like an ocean is the pain in my heart.

Pain anytime I remember I have an eyes
Despite those love we shared when we were tender
Always waving my tail like a puppy
when you show up
But now, even my smile doesn't matter.

How worthless my worth is
In one of the person, my life entail
My conception and perception were duly wrong
Now I know my existence matters not

loved ones, they say forget you not even after death
Mine forget me while am living
Those love and care you showed when am near
Now! I know their meaning when am gone.

Strong bond ; I thought we shared.
The life am living you know not!
When something bad happen,
You condemn first.

Hope is the bread of the poor.
It is hard to believe,
I must definitely believe.
I just have to swim without help
Cause loved one do forget.

©Baby Jade

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